Shop For Me


Our shop for me special offer is a unique featured service that drives hundreds of customers towards us. We understand the difficulties people face and spend their busy time shopping online and face all the processing and shipment hardships. We at Unpause Global are here to solve that issue by taking up the whole work and shop for you based on your wants and bring your goods to our warehouse. All you have to do is pay for the ordered items and shipment, and we’ll have them delivered to your doorstep as soon as the process is complete!

The Process Flow

Our special shop for me services has been a relieving option for business owners and individuals that are busy with one or two things and still want to order goods online. You no longer have to worry about putting yourself out there looking for the best products in the market. We will do the job for you! You just relax while we help you get the best products for you and get them delivered to your doorstep fast and efficient and at a convenient rate.!

We Shop
We Ship
You Receive

Sign up for free, get a free US Address and start shopping from any online stores in the US.

How It Works

Get A Free US Address

Sign up for free on our website to get your personal free US address to shop on any online store in the US.

Shop and Ship to Your US Address

Use your Unpause Global Services US address as your shipping address when you shop on any online store in the US.

Select Your Preferred Shipping Method

Choose your preferred shipping method from our flexible shipping method, and we will deliver using your preferred option.

We Deliver Your Items to Your Doorstep

We deliver your shopping items to your provided Nigeria address doorstep using your preferred shipping method.

Trusted by the world's best