Frequently Asked Questions

What is Freight Forwarding?

Freight forwarding is done by a freight forwarder, who is a person or company that organizes shipments between the demander and the supplier.

What are different Freight Classes?

The National Freight Classification (NMFC) of North America defines 18 freight classes, with class 50 being the one with the lowest weight and class 500 being the one with the highest weight.

How can I keep track of my shipment?

You could keep track of your shipment by using Unpause Global’s Tracking Portal.

What is needed to track the shipment?

A Unpause Global account and the tracking number of your shipment.

How can I estimate the shipment charges?

By typing the size and weight of the shipment in the Unpause Global Shipment Calculator.

If the delivery is past its delivery date, why hasn’t it arrived?

The delivery status is constantly updated on the tracking portal, and you could also contact us.

How much does it cost to ship a car?

The cost of shipping a car depends on the condition of the car, the net weight, and multiple other factors. For accurate estimates, contact us.

What is the air cargo limit?

100 kg and above.

How long does it take to ship a vehicle?

Approximately 10 days. Since there are other determining factors too, for accurate estimates, contact us.

Does the size of the vehicle matter?

Yes. The shipping charges vary primarily based on a vehicle’s size.