Ocean Freight

Ocean Freight

Ocean freight, also called sea freight, is the movement of goods from one country to another by sea. Ocean freight is far and away from the most popular option for shipping goods internationally. It is usually used to describe bulk cargo that has been manufactured or extracted in one location and needs to be delivered at another, typically a port, where it can be put on trucks or trains.

At Unpause Global, we provide the most efficient way to manage your ocean shipments with our online system, making it easier for shippers and carriers to connect. With us, you'll be able to easily find competitive quotes from top-rated carriers located all over the world, as well as print out custom documentation and track your shipments in real-time using their online platform at a fraction of what traditional brokers charge. If you're looking for a better way to get cargo shipped by sea, then look no further than Unpause Global!

Sign up for free, get a free US Address and start shopping from any online stores in the US.

How It Works

Get A Free US Address

Sign up for free on our website to get your personal free US address to shop on any online store in the US.

Shop and Ship to Your US Address

Use your Unpause Global Services US address as your shipping address when you shop on any online store in the US.

Select Your Preferred Shipping Method

Choose your preferred shipping method from our flexible shipping method, and we will deliver using your preferred option.

We Deliver Your Items to Your Doorstep

We deliver your shopping items to your provided Nigeria address doorstep using your preferred shipping method.

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