Auto Shipping

Auto Shipping

As an experienced logistics company in all types of product shipment either by air or by ocean, we offer auto shipping services from US to Nigeria and visa verser. We ship cars, heavy automobile equipment, and bulky items efficiently and hassle-free. We have been providing excellent services for the past 6 years in the field of goods and services transportation to and from Nigeria. We understand the flow of all the major seaports in the world and how the auto shipping network works.

At Unpause Global, we offer shipment tracking which helps customers to be aware of the current state of their goods and every point in time. We also have dedicated staff to receive your car shipment/heavy equipment request, along with details about your estimated delivery time and location. Part of what makes us different is our reliable customer care representatives ready to give you all the supports you need concerning our auto shipping services.

Sign up for free, get a free US Address and start shopping from any online stores in the US.

How It Works

Get A Free US Address

Sign up for free on our website to get your personal free US address to shop on any online store in the US.

Shop and Ship to Your US Address

Use your Unpause Global Services US address as your shipping address when you shop on any online store in the US.

Select Your Preferred Shipping Method

Choose your preferred shipping method from our flexible shipping method, and we will deliver using your preferred option.

We Deliver Your Items to Your Doorstep

We deliver your shopping items to your provided Nigeria address doorstep using your preferred shipping method.

Trusted by the world's best